А вчера я дочитала ББ флэш! И повторяю еще раз, он теперь мой любимый вместе с "Как Дин был девушкой Сэма"! Потому что
спойлерывот оно, мое любимое - офигенный крэк, и мальчики вместе, вместе блин неважно, Антихрист Сэм или нет, в аду, на земле, где угодно - потому что это Дин и Сэм, в которых я верю, и они всегда будут вместе. Happily ever after. И ниипет. Кроме того, только флэш могла написать про свадьбу Дина и Сэма так, что это не только не было странно и тупо, но это было ОхУЕННО! Священник Элвис, вопящий: "Объявляю вас Антихристом и женой! Ааааааааа, мы все умрем!" Сэм, бухающий с Люцифером, краснеющий Мефистофель. Уриэль, готовящий свадьбу Дина и Сэма. Анна и Руби, ссорящиеся из-за того, кто круче в постели - Дин или Сэм? В общем, я могу продолжать бесконечно. Я ЛЮБЛЮ ЭТОТ ФИК.
Вот некоторые цитаты, но их там гораздо больше классных, просто я ж в основном на телефоне читала, а эти - когда за компом сидела выписывала. Может, кто-то еще цитатки записывал? Поделитесь, плз))
"Dude, we can't get married. You're my brother. You don't wanna marry me. It'd be weird."
"And fucking me on an altar isn't fucking weird?"
"The Path of the Suffering Multitudes," Dean interrupts. "And the Boy King strikes a single blow, which draws wailing from every nation. To every nation, he touches anguish and loss, frustration and fury."
"You want him to turn off the Internet?" Raum says incredulously.
Sam's jaw has dropped. "I can't believe I'm hearing this. No. No, we're not going after the Internet. Some things are sacred and I'm not inflicting that kind of mental trauma on people worldwide. What about… the assignments that won't be researched, and the eBay auctions that'll be lost and, and, and what about Busty Asian Beauties?" he demands.
Dean shrugs. "Eh, I prefer the magazine anyway. C'mon, Sammy, turn the Internet off for a couple hours and you don't have to rape a single virgin."
"Dude! Are you phantom pinching my ass?" Sam demands. "Cut it out!"
Flushing, Mephistopheles flashes a mortified, white-eyed look at his minions. "Of course I'm not pinching your ass!"
"I think I know when someone's pinching my ass!" Sam says.
"I'm not!"
"I don't think you're Harvey Dent, Sam," Dean says after a long pause. "I think you're Dr Manhattan. And I guess I'm Laurie." He nods to himself in a satisfied way. "Laurie. Man, I'd hit that."
"Talking of which, is it just me," says Gaviel from near the back, "or did anyone else think the Comedian looked kind of like John Winchester?" As one, Sam and Dean turn to give him a deeply unimpressed look. Gaviel blanches. "Just me then."
"I don't think incest is all that wrong," Sam comments after a moment. "In fact, I don't think anyone should be allowed to say it's wrong until they've tried it."
"Sorry, kiddo," Dean says, "but anything that feels that good is definitely 'send you straight to hell' material. Which is lucky for us, 'cause that's what we're aiming for."